Monday, July 7, 2008

Bachelorette CRAP

I feel that it is necessary to rant and rave about stupid shows like the bachelor and the bachelorette. Jonathan and I mostly watch American Gladiators and House on Monday night. But lets be honest there are comercials that come on between these shows and they are quite annoying, so we are frequent channel surfers. Stumbling on the Bachelorette.

I am fully aware that shows like this are well past their 5th season and creating more and more spawns in their likeness. I believe we saw a preview for a cowboy version or something like that. But these shows bug us for one BIG reason...

They throw around the term "Love" "falling in love" and "in love" like it is cheap change from your pocket. How can anyone in the world think that this show is romantic or even real for that matter? How can someone think that they would be able to "fall ion love" with someone else in the course of a few months with a bunch of other peopel around. The whole point of the show is to find a suitable match for one person, it is the realistic version of a "meat market". It is totally psychological that these women or men are falling in love with the person in question. They are forced into a reality TV show with contracts and pre-requisites and understandings that totally put pressure on the whole love process. It is a true insult to those of us who have spent real time getting to know eachother and truly fall in love by a happy accident. (not that love is an accident but it certainly isn't pre-meditated most of the time) The word love shouldn't be tossed around so callously. It has true meaning for some of us who didn't go on a reality TV show and be pimped out to a bunch of guys who were willing to check out a piece of ass. Really it is quite aggrivating...

So screw you bachelorette and bachelor shows, you are a true shadow of what love really is and merely appear to be a puppet show where producers are the puppet masters with the show of love...


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